Delight as Shiremoor Primary School’s Skye’s Christmas Card sent to King and Prime Minister!
Year 6 pupil Sky from Shiremoor Primary School has seen her Christmas card design sent to the King and the Prime Minister after being chosen as the winner of Emma Foody MP’s Cramlington and Killingworth Christmas Card competition.
Skye’s design, highlighting the iconic ‘Eat For England’ (Cramlington) Spoon in a winter Christmas scene was chosen as the winner out of hundreds of entries from across the constituency. The card, kindly printed by Potts Prints in Cramlington, has been sent to the King, Prime Minister, North East Mayor, Ministers and stakeholders across the North East.
On Thursday 19 December Emma Foody MP attended a Christmas assembly at Shiremoor Primary School to surprise Skye with a copy of the card, a certificate and a House of Commons Barry the Bear teddy.
Emma commented “I was delighted to be able to join Shiremoor Primary School for their Christmas assembly and to present Skye with her certificate for winning the Christmas card competition and a small prize.
“I had hundreds of entries from schools across the Cramlington and Killingworth constituency so it was really hard to pick a winner. But Skye’s design of the iconic Cramlington Spoon at Christmas was really fantastic. Thanks to Skye for her brilliant design which has been sent to the King, Prime Minister and across the region and to the support from Potts Print with printing the card”